Bookmarks for June 18th through June 19th

These are my links for June 18th through June 19th:

  • Blind Search – Welcome to BlindSearch, the search engine taste test.Type in a search query above, hit search then vote for the column which you believe best matches your query. The columns are randomised with every query.The goal of this site is simple, we want to see what happens when you remove the branding from search engines. How differently will you perceive the results?
  • Is There Reason to Be Theoretically Rational? (application/pdf Object) – An important advance in normativity research over the last decade is an increased understanding of the distinction, and difference, between normativity and rationality. Normativity concerns or picks out a broad set of concepts that have in common that they are, put loosely, guiding. For example, consider two commonly used normative concepts: that of a normative reason and that of ought. To have a normative reason to perform some action is for there to be something that counts in favour of performing that action. Likewise with ought, when there is sufficient evidence for something, one ought to believe it (at least under normal circumstances). Not all guidance need be directed towards a specific state or a specific action. Subject to the requirements of normativity, too, are relations. It is commonly believed, for example, that we ought not to hold contradictory beliefs.
  • Atlas Obscura | Wondrous, curious, and bizarre locations around the world – Welcome to the Atlas Obscura, a compendium of this age’s wonders, curiosities, and esoterica. The Atlas Obscura is a collaborative project with the goal of cataloging all of the singular, eccentric, bizarre, fantastical, and strange out-of-the-way places that get left out of traditional travel guidebooks and are ignored by the average tourist. If you’re looking for miniature cities, glass flowers, books bound in human skin, gigantic flaming holes in the ground, phallological museums, bone churches, balancing pagodas, or homes built entirely out of paper, the Atlas Obscura is where you’ll find them.

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