These are my links for February 12th from 15:07 to 15:48:
- Revolutions: How to combine Google maps and data in R – Every good artist needs a canvas, and when it comes to displaying geographic data placing those data in context — on a map — makes all the difference. A new package for R from Markus Loecher, RgoogleMaps, allows you to download a street or satellite map from Google simply by specifying the bounding latitude/longitude coordinates. (You need to sign up for a free Google API key first, though.) You can then overlay data from objects in R, using tools provided to convert to the map-based coordinate system. Here’s an example from the package vignette overlaying the locations of faults (provided as data in the geomapdata package) on a satellite map:
- Data munging with SQL and R.pdf (application/pdf Object) – …while it is possible to shoe-horn a one-to-one mapping of SQL clauses with R functions, R generally has better ways of going about things. In the example that we are about to walk through, experienced R users will think of more R-esque ways of doing things, but the goal here is to get as close to one-to-one with methodology and output.
- VCASMO – Web Development with R – Presentations given at the Bay Area useR Group on January 10, 2010 by Jeroen Ooms, on how to create web applications use R.
- Welcome to Aviary – Photo-editing, logos, web templates, filters, color palettes, screen capture & more at