A fun question: If you could have the entire world know just one thing about your profession or expertise, what would it be? My answer for Data Science and Machine Learning: Automated intelligence plays a role in almost every facet of our lives and will increasingly disrupt things, for good and for ill. This includes replacing workers, enabling new discoveries, and magnifying the manipulation of our personal, political, and financial lives. And the private sector is not going to effectively police itself. Also, ML and AI are making great strides in application-specific ways, but (contra Ray Kurzweil) the singularity is […]
machine learning
2 posts
My description of machine learning using only the ten hundred most used words (via the up-goer five text editor): This is the study and work of making computers learn. It has three important parts. First, it needs number pictures of how things could be. Second, it needs a way to see how good these pictures are. Finally, it needs a way to find the best picture from the group of possible number pictures. Once the best picture is found, it is used to guess what new things will be like or should be like. This helps us do many cool things […]