John L. Taylor

177 posts

Bookmarks for April 11th through April 27th

These are my links for April 11th through April 27th: 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis – Computerworld – Here’s a rundown of some of the better-known options, many of which were demonstrated at the Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR) conference last month. Others are not as well known but show great promise. They range from easy enough for a beginner (i.e., anyone who can do rudimentary spreadsheet data entry) to expert (requiring hands-on coding). But they all share one important characteristic: They’re free. Your only investment: time.

Bookmarks for April 3rd through April 8th

These are my links for April 3rd through April 8th: List of resources: Article text extraction from HTML documents | My tech blog. – Following up to my overview of article text extractors, I’ll try to compile a list of research papers, articles, web APIs, libraries and other software that I encountered during my research. A Short History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo – We attempt to trace the history and development of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) from its early inception in the late 1940’s through its use today. We see how the earlier stages of Monte Carlo (MC, […]

Bookmarks for March 23rd through April 3rd

These are my links for March 23rd through April 3rd: The Ideal Large Scale Learning Class « Machine Learning (Theory) – At NIPS, Andrew Ng asked me what should be in a large scale learning class. After some discussion with him and Nando and mulling it over a bit, these are the topics that I think should be covered. There are many different kinds of scaling. 10 Rules That Govern Groups — PsyBlog – Much of our lives are spent in groups with other people: we form groups to socialise, earn money, play sport, make music, even to change the […]

Bookmarks for March 20th through March 23rd

These are my links for March 20th through March 23rd: 20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries – There are plenty of JavaScript libraries out there for rendering your otherwise plain and boring numerical data into beautiful, interactive, and informative visualizations. The beauty of using JavaScript for data visualization is that, if created correctly, your data will be highly accessible (usually via HTML tables). A long time ago (2008), I wrote about JavaScript solutions for graphing and charting data and this article revisits the topic with twenty more JavaScript libraries that you can use to bring your data to life. Function […]

Bookmarks for March 15th through March 18th

These are my links for March 15th through March 18th: Book Review – The Information – By James Gleick – – The universe, the 18th-century mathematician and philosopher Jean Le Rond d’Alembert said, “would only be one fact and one great truth for whoever knew how to embrace it from a single point of view.” James Gleick has such a perspective, and signals it in the first word of the title of his new book, “The Information,” using the definite article we usually reserve for totalities like the universe, the ether — and the Internet. Information, he argues, is […]